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More than a million euros for 740,000 vaccines to “prevent” bluetongue in Castile and León

The detection of a positive outbreak in several sheep farms in The region of Évora, in neighboring Portugal, has additionally activated the alerts, already activated since a case occurred in the Netherlands in October 2023. So, given this proximity and given that they contracted the disease, they have “serious consequences” on livestockThe Department of Agriculture, Livestock and Rural Development of the Government of Castilla y León has approved a decree authorizing the purchase by emergency contract of 740,000 doses of vaccine in front bluetongue virus serotype 3for a budget of 1.05 million euros. A “prevention” measure against these cases on Portuguese territory, according to the department of María González Corral.

With this decision, the Council attempts to “ prevent the spread of the disease” in the Community. A measure taken, they emphasize, after the order of the Ministry which authorizes voluntary vaccination throughout the Spanish territory, given that September to November are the months of greatest activity of the Culicoides imicola mosquito , the main vector of transmission of the virus.

Therefore, before “high risk” of introduction of serotype 3 of the bluetongue virus, from Agriculture, they emphasize that “vaccination of the sheep population over three months old will be carried out in the areas closest to the outbreak in Portugal”. Thus, they will provide “special” attention to the veterinary units of Arenas de San Pedro, Candeleda and El Barco de Ávila, in the province of Avilathe entire province of Salamanca and that of Zamora. In total, he highlights, 740,000 doses are needed to cover these areas, Castilla y León being the third community with the largest census of sheep, behind Extremadura and Castilla-La Mancha, with 2.2 million headss.

Serotype 3 of the bluetongue virus “has serious consequences in sheep”, warns the Office since, according to information provided by France and the Netherlands, Mortality reaches between 10 and 25 percent. It was precisely in this second country that the first outbreak occurred, in October 2023, but the disease then spread quickly and over the past year it has jumped to nine other countries: Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Czech Republic, France and United Kingdom.

In addition to this high mortality, bluetongue also causes “a severe clinical picture” in sheep with high fever, abortions and reduced milk production, among others, hence the commitment to vaccination, because “it has proved to be the most effective prevention tool and, if the disease finally arrives, it allows from the first moment the movement of susceptible animals with adequate health guarantees and reduces the economic impact on farms by reducing mortality and clinical symptoms”, they emphasize from Agriculture .

The virus responsible for bluetongue includes different serotypes, from 1 to 24. In recent years, in Spain, circulation of serotypes 1, 4 and 8 has been detected, against which there is a compulsory vaccination program in animals of the species sheep and cattle over three months located in regulated areas. Yes, remember, the virus presents no risk to humans.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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