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A prestigious economist warns of what will happen to Spain in the coming months

Spain prepares to face a series of changes this can be key and that a prestigious economist explains to us. Our country has gone back in time, we have once again had an uncertain future, unless it is this engine that has become a problem for many who live in anticipation of knowing whether or not they will make it to the end of the month. Spain is one of the few countries in which you can have a job and be poor, even if it generates insufficient income to live on.

This is an anomaly which is accompanied by a sudden increase in the prices of the basket, the purchase or the electricity bill. Two basic elements that have become a nightmare for many who see these types of elements as a problem for their salary to allow them to live, as well as the essential money to receive the following month. Without a doubt, everything that an economic expert says can give us more than one joy from certain elements that go hand in hand and can be essential these days.

What is happening in Spain

We must be very aware of a series of elements which ones will fully affect us. Whether we like it or not, we live in a society in which we must start to control every euro that enters our homes and this depends on the context in which it is generated and spent.

A few years ago, before the pandemic, optimism was in all of us. We could start thinking about this money that has given us a lot, even for saving. But today, not only is there no more money to save, but we are living more on the edge of what awaits us.

An economic expert helps us make plans, establishing a series of guidelines and telling us what to expect in the coming months. It seems that Spain is faced with certain details that could end up being those that mark a before and an after.

We will have to be aware of what is happening around us to be able to better manage the money we have. Something that can give us more than one headache less. We will have to be aware of what is going to happen in this element which can change everything.

The next few months according to this prestigious economist will be like this

Niño Becerra is a prestigious economist who, in an interview with TV3, gave us some clues about what can happen in our daily lives. Money is one of the elements that can affect us the most these days that await us and which is essential to put an end to more than one problem that could arise. THIS

We Spaniards are going to have good news, those who have a mortgage will be able to witness a further drop in the Euribor. Fully affecting an interest rate, this can become a force majeure issue that will make a significant difference either way.

He also says: “The price level could continue to fall, but I think for below 2% it will be difficult to go down“. Prices may be affected by this marked drop, it is important to know at all times that this type of data can give us more than one joy.

Now is the time to visualize certain indicators that may represent a significant cycle change in our currency. The amount we earn may be fixed, but the amount we spend always depends on some factors that we may not have considered until now.

The only thing that could affect this data is: “assuming weird things don’t happen, like supply issues in China.” Something that would affect the entire global economy, including Spain, which also lives at the mercy of what is happening around us. Apart from this element which could change everything, the indicators are rather optimistic.

But be careful, because Becerra also warns against mortgages, despite these indicators, they will be mortgages that warn buyers that they must bring a minimum of 20% of the value of the house. In other words, to be able to buy, you need a good economy.

Otherwise, we will be faced with an element that can pose a problem for many. Becoming independent will become more and more complicated or require greater effort. Something that is impossible to achieve with these salaries, so ultimately we have to start managing all the resources.

It is time to start thinking about the future following the guidelines or forecasts of an economist like Niño Becerra, who considers this decline to be the main novelty of the Spanish economy. It will be time to prepare for a change that could be significant.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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