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Nine months in prison for a local Torrox police officer for “unjustified attack” on a detainee

Two Local Police officers went to the “El Peñoncillo” area in Torrox Costa when they noticed that several motorhomes were parked and that one of them had a foreign registration plate which was not no longer in force since the day before. This monitoring visit in March 2020 ended, years later, with the conviction of one of these police officers to nine months in prison for an “unjustified attack” on one of the occupants of these caravans during an altercation over the motorhome’s expired registration.

The officers questioned the woman who was with the owner of the said camper, who told them “on several occasions” that due to the suspension of administrative deadlines, as cAlarm status declaration sequence Due to Covid-19 it was not possible to register in Spain.

He informed them at the same time that all the documentation was “in the possession of the manager”. According to the judgment, the local police officer who was convicted ripped off the front license plate of the vehicle in question and walked towards the rear with the intention of doing the same. This attitude was “recriminated” by the woman, which is why the police officer arrested her and put her in the police vehicle, without any evidence of force greater than that necessary in this case.

Furthermore, the initial resolution, now confirmed by the TSJA, indicates that the other accused local police officer, who was not convicted, “He maintained a conciliatory attitude. and that when the man showed him the documents, it was his partner who approached “from behind, grabbing him by the neck and, when the victim tried to run away, he threw him to the ground”, where they put chains on him.

Faced with this situation, the woman got out of the police vehicle “yelling for her friend”, after which an officer from the second patrol “came towards her violently”, pushing her into the vehicle and I slap him in the face.”

Before going to the local police headquarters in Torrox, the accused asked all witnesses present to delete the videos from their cell phones. In the police stations, it is proven and confirmed by the TSJA that the accused agent ““He hit the floor and the wall several times.” the victim’s mobile phone “leaving it unusable”.

On the other hand, he “hit the head” of the man while he was transferred to the cells, and these injuries to the victim were proven. Due to these events, the court acquitted one of the officers and sentenced the other to nine months in prison and two years of prohibition from the exercise of his profession for offenses against moral integrity.

In addition, he will have to pay a fine of 300 euros for minor injury offense and an additional 300 euros for damages, as well as 90 euros for injuries; 350 euros for the cell phone and 300 euros for moral damage. It also absolves him of another crime against moral integrity.

For the Superior Court of Andalusia, “cannot be considered illegitimate” the man’s reaction “to the unjustification of the said attack, since until then, according to witnesses, the complainant had not demonstrated any behavior justifying his arrest”.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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