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HomeTop Stories“It’s an absolute lack of respect for the neighbors”

“It’s an absolute lack of respect for the neighbors”

to the actor David Suarez They canceled another show, this time at the Federico García Lorca municipal theater in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid). The municipal council made this decision after the actor repeatedly made fun of the city in the video he released last Sunday on his social networks to promote the show.

In this message, David Suárez made fun of neighbors affected by the collapse caused by line 7B of the Madrid metroinaugurated in 2007 by then-president Esperanza Aguirre. Since then, 73 houses were demolished and neighbors saw tremors and cracks appear in their buildings. Isabel Diaz Ayuso He blamed this situation on previous governments and his proposal was to cover the esplanade left after the demolitions with a park which would cost five million euros.

Suárez made fun of this situation in the video in which he announced his performance in San Fernando. “It’s not a joke, the whole municipality is sinking and to solve the problem they are making more injections in the ground than in the face of Kiko Matamoros.”” he said, referring to the cement that is injected into the tunnels to prevent further collapse.

The Municipal Council, through a press release, expressed its “rejection and condemnation” of the actor’s comments, ensuring that they represent “an absolute lack of respect for neighbors“affected by this event. The Town Hall assures that it will not allow “the suffering of hundreds of families to become, under any circumstances, an object of mockery or ridicule for anyone.”

However, the problem of subsidence caused by the subway was not the only reason for ridicule. David Suárez defined San Fernando as “the Badajoz of Madrid“, they claim that “It’s ugly, poorly communicated and we only stop there because gas is cheap.“.

Accuses the municipal council of “censorship”

The comedian accused San Fernando City Hall of “censoring” his show, saying he had done similar promotions in many other cities where he performed and never had any problems. In addition, he assured that with his criticism he intended to provide “a good opportunity to make the problem visible.”

A controversy that has precedents

This is not the first show that David Suárez has been canceled. In 2019, the municipal council of Elche canceled a show after the comedian posted an offensive comment on his social media towards people with Down syndrome..




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