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HomeBreaking NewsVillage children breaking stereotypes: "Graduation is not the end of the job"

Village children breaking stereotypes: “Graduation is not the end of the job”

On the way to their goal, they did not care about the terrain or the weather. Neither snow nor blizzard prevented them. Thus, this year, 11 out of 12 graduates of the secondary school located in the remote mountain village were admitted to higher educational institutions. Four graduates of the secondary school named after Sh. Shabiyev from the village of Shafagli, Yardimli district, were awarded the title of students.

“Caspian” The newspaper prepared an article about it:

We spoke to Ramin Ganbarov, the director of the school, which is known for its high results.

Each of them was prepared at school.

Mr. Ramin said that each of the students prepared with the school teachers and achieved this result by working seriously:

“There are no special training courses for students in Shafagli village, Yardimli town. As it is a remote village school, the opportunities for students are limited. This success is the result of the joint work of students, teachers, and parents. We are proud of each and every one of these hardworking students.”

“An educated woman is an educated society”

The second factor that makes the director happy is that the girls in the village are also interested in education and have the support of their parents:

“You know that there were problems with girls in rural schools. Until a few years ago, they were excluded from education, their parents took away their right to education and in some cases forced them to marry early. We are fighting against this too. It is gratifying that this year four of the students admitted are girls. To get to this stage, we worked together with parents to prevent girls from getting married. Girls at the events That is why I am doubly happy with the results of the girls. Last year, seven of our graduates were admitted to university, and three of them were educated women.”

The principal says there were no absent students at this school:

“As soon as we noticed that a student did not come for several days in a row, we contacted his parents and explained to them the importance and necessity of education. In rural areas, parents trust and rely on the opinions of teachers.”

“Our students didn’t care about the terrain or the climate…”

The director also spoke about stereotypes about rural and urban children. He says that those who read read everywhere:

“If a person wants to get an education, the place of residence cannot be an obstacle. Whether in a city or a village, the student is chosen everywhere and achieves his goal. The only thing that needs to be done is to set up the system correctly. We had 38 graduates in the last three years, and 24 of them, that is, 63 percent of them were admitted to the university. Neither snow nor weather was an obstacle for them. Education depends only on the performance of the student and the teaching staff.

“My students are also my children”

Speaking about the duties of the teaching staff, the director says that the teacher should not be satisfied with this name, but should work on himself:

“Our teachers are also polite, enthusiastic and professional in their work. Seven of our teachers passed the certification with high marks. Of course, students trained by such teachers will also achieve successful results. The role of a teacher in a student’s career is undeniable, here a teacher means a second parent, in addition to our administrative duties, too. For example, my daughter was admitted to university with 11 points. I did not hesitate to look for a solution, her choice was not higher education and she did not provide documents.

Every teacher has a duty of conscience towards society, parents and the State. Teachers must feel it, they must be worthy. We educate students for society. Therefore, we must understand our responsibility.”

“We were so happy that…”

The director points out that when the results were announced he talked to parents and students until late at night and shared his joy:

“We do the entire admission process for students. Since there are no conditions in the village, the coding is also done at school. We discuss and consult all day long and meet with parents every day. I slept at three in the morning. On the day the results were announced, I spoke to all the parents and congratulated them. We were very happy. Because the system froze, we found out about the results of some students late. to them.

Professor Ramin also supports them in university life. He says his work does not end when they graduate:

“At the moment, we are enrolling them in universities. Even when one of our students is in Ganja, we are solving their accommodation problem together and we help others with their accommodation problems. We support them as a school until all the students are settled. They are our children and we have supported them as their teachers in all their difficulties.”


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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