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The Government will offer an increase in premiums of more than 14% to insurers so that the Muface concert survives

Negotiations (or rather dialogue) between the government and the insurers that serve Muface are nearing their peak. After companies rejected the 14% bonus increase proposed by the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service, The Executive will transfer a new offer to ensure the survival of the mutual with a new agreement.

As EL ESPAÑOL-Invertia learned from negotiation sources, the government will improve its proposal, at least in raw numbers. The increase in premiums for the new gig will be above 14% safely.

How much? The objective of those responsible for the Public Service is to achieve convergence between the initial figure proposed by the Government (the 14% cited) and that envisaged by the insurers: an increase of 40% to, according to them, compensate for the successive increases. cost increases (raw materials, salaries, etc.) that they had to endure after several years of skyrocketing inflation.

A convergence that would not displease insurers. In informal conversations, voices from the sector admit that the 24% increase in bonuses proposed by the Muface management to the Ministry of Finance could become acceptable. The companies insist on their desire to dialogue and negotiate to save Muface

However, everything would depend on updating the medical file or the catalog of services that the insurers had to assume in the concert, which has not yet been sold.

In any case, the final voice regarding the increase in bonuses does not even belong to Óscar López’s department. Any Public Service offer must have the green light from the Ministry of Finance.

This is why, from the negotiation, they warn that, even if a new figure should be transferred to insurers, It is not excluded that the Government opts for the policy of fait accompli and adapt the premium increase you decide on to the specifications without consulting the insurers again.

The fact is that times are tight. For management reasons, the specifications for the new Muface concert should be approved by the Council of Ministers next Tuesday.

The cited sources admit that this is possible. However, they do not exclude that the government delay approval of specifications to try to reach an agreement with the insurers.

Today, three insurers provide services to Muface: SegurCaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV. Of these entities, it is assured that if, in the new agreement (which is proposed for the next two years), only one falls, the assistance of the mutual would not be sustainable.

These companies insist on the low profitability that Muface represents for them, with current bonuses. SegurCaixa Adeslas lost 100 million euros in 2023 because of the concert.


The IDIS Foundation (in which SegurCaixa Adeslas, Asisa and DKV are integrated), in a report, calculates that administrative mutuality allows savings to be made“improves the accessibility of the health system and controls health spending, taking into account the average mutual premium (1,013 euros), lower by 723 euros compared to what is invested in the general scheme (1,736 euros ).”

The truth is that Muface’s situation triggered the fears among those responsible. In fact, the CSIF and CCOO unions demanded an urgent meeting with Óscar López in order to obtain guarantees on the continuity of the concert.

“We are very concerned about the lack of agreement between the government and Muface insurers,” said CSIF president Miguel Borra. He threatened to “go out forcefully on the street” “if the situation is not resolved”.




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