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HomeEntertainment Newsthe new Ciivise wants to involve children and adolescents in its work

the new Ciivise wants to involve children and adolescents in its work

“Moving from a culture of silence to a culture of support” children victims of sexual violence. Six months after their appointment, this is the wish expressed by the new co-directors of the independent commission on incest and sexual violence against children (Ciivise), whose mission is to guide public policies.

Several lines of work were presented on Friday, October 4, during a back-to-school day at the Ministry of Health, attended by the new Minister of Family and Early Childhood, Agnès Canayer. The situation of children with disabilities, sexual violence abroad and the phenomenon of cybercrime are among the new avenues to explore.

Co-chaired from its creation in March 2021 until the end of 2023 by social worker Nathalie Mathieu and magistrate Edouard Durand, the body experienced a period of turbulence after the dismissal of the judge, in a context of disagreements with the Secretary of State for Children . of the time, Charlotte Caubel. The independent commission is now headed by a “run the university”composed of the professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, Thierry Baubet, the magistrate Maryse Le Men Régnier and Solène Podevin Favre, president of the Face à l’inceste association.

“An inter-ministerial meeting within a month”

The new Ciivise does not start from a blank page. Created following the publication of the book. the big family (Seuil, 2021) – in which Camille Kouchner revealed the incest committed by her father-in-law Olivier Duhamel with her brother –, then multiple testimonies on social networks, Ciivise 1 had launched an original working method, based in particular on public meetings. allow victims to express themselves.

For two and a half years, based on these public meetings and testimonies (30,000 in total) collected with other tools, the highly publicized commission set out to decipher the mechanisms of incest and highlight the ravages of sexual violence, which affects 165,000 children every year. . Its report, presented in November 2023, contained 82 recommendations to “better prevent sexual violence, better protect child victims and fight impunity for aggressors”.

Also Read Decryption (2023) | Article reserved for our subscribers. What the Ciivise report contains to combat incest and sexual violence against children

The follow-up of these recommendations and their translation into public policies is part of the roadmap of the new team, which does not refrain from “to go further”indicated Thierry Baubet. The Government, also recently renewed, must “organize an inter-ministerial meeting within a month to give their opinion on each of the 82 recommendations”said Solène Podevin Favre.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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