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HomeLatest NewsJuanma Moreno describes the PSOE agreement with Bildu for the security law...

Juanma Moreno describes the PSOE agreement with Bildu for the security law as an “institutional scandal”

The president of the Andalusian PP and the Andalusian Government, Juanma Moreno, focused his intervention after the meeting of his parliamentary group in Jaén on attack the PSOE and the central government due to the effects of the investiture agreements with the nationalist groups of the Basque Country and Catalonia.

The president thus described “institutional abusel» the third diploma granted to ETA members Harriet Iragui Gurruchaga and Luis Mariñelarena Garciandía and the agreement of the Central Government of Pedro Sánchez with EH-Bildu to reform the Law for the Protection of Citizen Security of the previous Executive of the popular Mariano Rajoy, an agreement which, in his opinion, leaves the agents “without protection against criminals”.

Moreno warned that with this pact, “Bildu decides what the protection limit of state security forces and agencies should beleaving them clearly unprotected against criminals. This led him to rhetorically ask the central government if there is “no other political force” to agree with beyond EH-Bildu.

“Is this reasonable?” Is this socialism? Can this be defended with dignity? . The Sánchez government is sung and paralyzed by the independence parties on which they count to govern”, declared Juanma Moreno, who regretted that in the Andalusian PSOE “no one raises their voice or has anything to say in the face of this institutional outrage”. “The PP is not going to be silent nor give in in these situations,” he concluded.

During her speech in Jaén, Juanma Moreno also expressed “her pity and sadness” for the grant the third degree of prison to the member of the dissolved terrorist group ETA Harriet Iragui Gurruchaga, convicted of the assassinations of the former Attorney General of Andalusia Luis Portero, the PP councilor José María Martín Carpena in Malaga and the military doctor Antonio Muñoz Cariñanos, in Seville. Moreno also regretted that this measure was granted by the socialist María Jesús San José of the Department of Justice and Human Rights of the Basque Government.

Moreno said that “it is sad to see that a socialist councilor from the Basque Country signs the third degree for murderers who have not repented of their murders and who, in some cases, still have eight years in prison and will now be able to go out on the streets thanks to the aforementioned prison regime. “It’s nasty, unbearable,” he said.

Mistreatment of Andalusia

At the same time, the president of the Andalusian PP and the Junta of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, accused the government of promoting against Andalusia “a systematic abuse, planned and organized in the name of laws and distribution» funds. As an example, he cited the calculation published on several occasions by the Andalusian Government, which indicates that the community “receives 392 euros per unemployed person, half that of a Catalan unemployed person”.

“The real mistreatment of Andalusia is published in the Official State Gazette. The treatment we receive is unfair and unbearable because they systematically ignore the interests of Andalusians,” said Juanma Moreno.

For this reason, he asked all deputies to put an additional “gear” to explain this. “grievance” in all Andalusian provinces: “We cannot consent to inequality among Spaniards nor to the destruction of the most fundamental rule of a modern State. We know where we are going. We have an established roadmap. “We have enough equipment and ambition to remove all the obstacles stone by stone to make Andalusia work.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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