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HomeBreaking NewsVox insists on illegal immigration as a condition for approving Mazón's accounts...

Vox insists on illegal immigration as a condition for approving Mazón’s accounts and demands prior negotiation

Vox will not make it easier for the PP to approve regional budgets in communities where until the summer it governed in coalition.

The party’s national leadership approved this Monday, after a meeting with regional parliamentary spokespersons, the framework document for these negotiations, with the condition “the fight against illegal immigration” as one of the main axes.

The first of the demands is the “determined fight against illegal immigration and training policiespromoting national priority in access to all public assistance.

An initiative that the party of Santiago Abascal already presented as a proposed resolution during the general policy debate and which the PP voted against.

The parliamentary spokesperson popular, Juanfran Pérez Llorcaexplained at the time that if the PP had rejected this proposal, the position during the budget negotiation would be the same.

The PP, according to what the group declared, will be inflexible on this question. In this sense, they expressed their doubts about the way in which Vox intends to integrate these measures into the budgetary items, since the accounts do not include specific items on these issues, which also fall within the competence of the State.

Prior negotiation

The Vox Mediator in the Valencian Cortes, Jose Maria Llanostook a further step this Tuesday by demanding prior negotiation from the President of the Valencian Government, Carlos Mazón. “We hope to receive a draft and not the preliminary draft,” he said at a press conference.

The Consell’s intention, however, is to present the draft budget to Parliament before the October 31 then begin negotiation with the rest of the forces, without focusing exclusively on Vox.

Mazón with Llanos in meeting last week


Precisely, the spokesperson for the Valencian Executive and Minister of Finance, Ruth Merinosdeclared this Tuesday that “the Consell is open to negotiate” the 2025 regional budgets with the parties and unions.

The possibility of approving them with the support of the PSPV-PSOE or Compromís is currently quite remote. The two left-wing parties stressed on Tuesday that “many things must change” to be able to support them and affirmed that “Mazón will accept without problem what Vox asks of them.”

Vox Terms

Vox, in the approved document, establishes three premises to sit and negotiate the accounts. The first is the reversal of the Vox measures which were repealed or frozen after the departure of the coalition governments in July.

The second premise is the “explicit and clear” rejection of regional governments “of the policies of installation and distribution of illegal immigrants” of Pedro Sanchez.

The last is “the commitment to effective, orderly and comprehensive return plans which, within their competences, allow the regions to respond to the distributions of illegal immigrants imposed by Sánchez and to counteract the call effect encouraged by the EU and Moncloa”.

In addition to these three conditions, Vox has approved 10 axes. They demand a national priority in access to public aid, a response to squatting and illegal registrations and tax reductions “for all”.

They also demand measures in favor of the family, the reduction of unnecessary expenditure, the defense of the countryside, the repeal of measures incompatible with educational freedom, more investment in health to “protect life” and “defense of the unity and integrity of our nation.

All these proposals, with the exception of those related to immigration, would be in line with the PP program, so the unknown will be the weight that Vox will give to its proposals on immigration, taking into account that regional competence is that of welcoming unaccompanied foreign minors. (menas).

In this sense, the PP is in favor of filing a complaint with the Sánchez government. more resources for shelterswho estimate that they are at 170% of their occupancy. In this sense, they consider that immigration policy is a serious issue that must be addressed “rigorously” and without “demagoguery”.

The meeting of administrators this Tuesday in the Valencian Courts

José Cuéllar/Corts Valencianes

According to data from the Consell, in the Valencian Community there are a total of 480 immigrant minors in the Valencian centers for minors, which represents an oversaturation of the system, which has 319 places.

“We are consistent, we do not say different things depending on where we are in Spain,” Llanos defended himself on Tuesday, who added that this “unity” does not mean that “the budgets will be negotiated from Madrid”.

In this sense, he assured that the result will depend on each autonomy and the proposals of each government. In this sense, he estimated that in the Valencian Community it will not be as complicated to reach an agreement as in other regions such as Castile and Leónwhere the PP abandoned the Concordia law.

Yeah does not get the support of the one who was until now his partnerCarlos Mazón will be forced to extend the 2024 budgets.




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