Thursday, October 10, 2024 - 8:02 am
HomeLatest NewsTransparent mice and other biomedical movements

Transparent mice and other biomedical movements

You can listen to the show on Spotify, iVoox or YouTube

Biomedical research generally goes unnoticed as something foreign, something that only happens in laboratories where experiments are carried out that do not affect us, and thanks to it, diseases like smallpox or plague have been eradicated , and others like yellow fever or poliomelitis. . But there is research that causes a lot of controversy and makes headlines, as happened a few weeks ago with the case of scientists who managed to make the skin of certain mice transparent, in a harmless and temporary.

What happens when we move from animal research to human testing? Do we know the policies, legislation and ethical dilemmas behind this? Where is all this going? Will we be able to live longer, better and healthier lives?

We will answer it in our first scientific monograph of the season with Beatriz de Vera in a show where we talk about transparent mice and other recent research that has blown us away and where we analyze where biomedical research is going.

You can watch the full program on video here:

To do this, we are accompanied by a large team of scientists and experts such as Rosalia Sernaresearcher at the CSIC Optical Institute; Alejo Efeyan who works at the National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) and specializes in the study of cellular mechanisms that regulate metabolism and growth; And Almudena Fernándezresearcher at the National Center for Biotechnology

A program to which we say goodbye by creating the “Rebels by Nature” section with Friends of the Earth in which we listen to those who demand a fairer and more sustainable planet, and analyze what or who is trying to prevent it. And in this first episode we talk about food sovereignty with Isabelle Vilalbasecretary general of the Labrego Galego Union, a peasant organization born in 73, and with Andrés Munoz, responsible for the food sovereignty area of ​​Friends of the Earth, with whom we spoke about the “Nos Plantamos” initiative of which they are part with climate activists and other NGOs.

Find all the audio of the FULL PROGRAMS here.

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Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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