Friday, September 20, 2024 - 9:04 pm
HomeLatest News"We estimate that resuscitation by cryopreservation will take 30 years"

“We estimate that resuscitation by cryopreservation will take 30 years”

No one is shocked when they hear that someone froze her eggs or what a child was fertilized with frozen eggs; another thing is to talk about the human freezing -of the whole body or only the brain-. We were talking about it some time ago in El Foco, in OKDIADRIO, with the transhumanist Aubrey de Grey. Today, he we do with José Luis Cordeirotranshumanist, engineer by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and one of the main promoters of the cryopreservation (process by which cells or tissues are frozen at very low temperatures, usually between -80°C and -196°C).

José Luis Cordeiro assures that we will soon see the death of death. It says the date: 2045. He has been doing it for a few years. Let us recall that the founder of Google maintains that by 2029/2030 we will pass the Turing test and that on Vitalia Island they are already doing experimental gene therapies. He also claims that very soon we will be able to rejuvenate because “there are genes that control biological age and work is underway to reprogram them.”

The truth is that the progress of science, with greats like the Nobel Prize, Shinya Yamanaka, medical researcher, or the The Spaniards Izpisúa Belmonte, Manuel Serrano or Carlos López Otínare increasingly optimistic. Tycoons and companies are supporting these investigations with large sums of money. This is the case of Altos Laboratoriesproperty among others of Jeff Bezos, or that of the Saudi royal family, which invested 20 billion dollars for re-study how we can rejuvenate.

Meanwhile, José Luis Cordeiro is involved in cryopreservation. At the moment, there are more than 500 people cryopreserved worldwideincluding five Spanish. He recommends cryopreserving only the brain because, according to him, the body will be cloneable. To those who criticize him or doubt his statements, he responds forcefully: “They wanted to burn Galileo for saying that the Earth was not the center of the Universe”.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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