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HomeLatest NewsThis courageous Corina who defends freedom

This courageous Corina who defends freedom

Maria Corina Machado (CMM) East the fashionable woman in the world. Faced with the arbitrary and fascist elimination of the candidacy for the presidency of Venezuela on the direct orders of the Wall, the brutal repression in her environment after the electoral victory a month ago, the certain risk of being physically eliminated by the dictatorship, Corina gives an example of courage, what desire!, at the head of a mobilized society already tired of so many lies, arbitrariness of power and hunger. What desire!

The duo Mature/Hair They cannot hide the fear that the opposition leader’s persistence arouses in them and that is why they are trying to break him at all costs, now with permanent threats and at the same time by disappearing and torturing his supporters. political environment the closest. For this, they have as advisors the formidable Cuban organization Grupo Avispa, specialized in make opponents disappear once tortured to the climax!

There is Corina day after day on the bus, surrounded by an admirable people, defying the genocidaires and the suitcases of the Delcy, Sánchez/Abalos’ guest and her 40 suitcases, the same number as the thieves of Baghdad. He has an attitude that comes only from truth and justice. This is your main grip. The desperate Venezuelans from within, with the exception of the Chavista elites, they lost their fear of the satrap and their refined methods of repression (Monedero knows something about that) and it does not seem that they hesitate to continue to collect the jackpot, among other things because they have nothing more to lose.

By saying that Wall It only enjoys the support (beyond the personal interests of Putin and Xi Ping) of countries like Cuba, even more hungry; Nicaragua, even more hunger and repression and Bolivia, As for what, almost everything has been said. At least two left-wing leaders from Latin America, the Chilean Boric and the Colombian Rock They show a lack of democratic sense and are ashamed of having a boyfriend like the former bus driver, who was not even born on Venezuelan soil.

The fight for freedom of Venezuelans The fact that they want to free themselves from a ferocious regime makes me very envious, as a human being and a Spaniard. And even more so, as a professional, to see fellow journalists from this country stand up while there are others here who are not ashamed to continue defending political theft, bloody repression and massive deception.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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