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HomeLatest NewsAlmonte will fight “casas patera” and mass registrations through inspections

Almonte will fight “casas patera” and mass registrations through inspections

The municipal council of Almonte, in Huelva, created a census to identify “existing “patera houses” in their neighborhood and against “mass registrations”. This is, as indicated this Saturday, a coordinated action which aims to improve security and quality of life in the municipality.

The measure is part of the agreements reached during the recent local security meeting and responds to the “concern of neighbors who recently organized a peaceful rally to demand more security.

The main objective of this census is to ensure that all rented accommodation “meets the conditions of habitability necessary for the number of occupants they house.

Those who do not comply with the established requirements will be subject to inspections by municipal officialswho will draw up a report to guarantee compliance with the regulations in force, warned the Consistory in a press release.

In addition, the Municipal Council will inform the Ministry of Finance and the competent Department in this matter so that they can proceed with the payment of the taxes corresponding to the rental contracts of said accommodation. With this, “we seek regularize the tax situation and ensure that owners meet their tax obligations.

The results of these inspections will be sent to both the State security agencies and forces as well as to the competent regional and state administrations to “take the necessary measures”.

“The municipal council is committed to resolving this problem which directly affects the coexistence and security of the municipalityunderlined the municipal council.

The current government team, “aware of the seriousness of this situation inherited from previous governments”, decided to take these measures as “a necessary and urgent response to regularize this problem”.

During the previous municipal mandate, “the government composed of Mesa-PSOE-PP did not control this collapse which allowed cases of up to 80 and 100 people registered in a single householdwhich caused a knock-on effect that made Almonte a center of massive registrations.

In response to this saturation generated in municipal services, due to “the massive arrival of people seeking to register in the municipality”, the Town Hall has set up a fees for issuing registration certificates, align with what is already applied in other places.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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