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HomeTop StoriesPeru won projects worth more than $1 billion last week

Peru won projects worth more than $1 billion last week

During the past week, Peruvian authorities awarded six public-private partnership (PPP) projects for a total of $1.006 million, the Private Investment Promotion Agency (Proinversión) reported.

The organization highlighted “the good timing” of this type of investment in the Andean country and clarified that the Modernization of the train in the mountains of the center and south of the country and five electric transmission projects and substations that seek benefit more than 5.2 million people.

In this regard, the executive director of Proinversión, José Salardi, stressed that Project award pipeline ‘remains strong’ and the interest of the private sector in developing work under the PPP mechanism remains.

Among the projects awarded is the modernization of the Huancayo-Huancavelica railway, awarded to the Concesionaria Ferroviaria del Centro Consorcio for a total amount of 565 million dollars, of which 445 million will include investment in modernization and the remaining 120 million for operating and maintenance expenses over the first 10 years.

This PPP project proposes to modernize the railway, commonly called the “Macho Train”, for a route of 128.7 kilometers through the design, financing, execution of works, acquisition of rolling stock and operation and maintenance for 30 years, among other components.

The consortium Concesionaria Ferroviaria del Centro is composed of the Ecuadorian Companies Construction and Administration, and Hidalgo and Hidalgoand the railway operator will be the Argentinian Benito Roggio Transportes.

Last Wednesday, when the concession was confirmed, the Minister of Transport and Communications, Raúl Pérez Reyes, said that this act seals a “historic debt” Well, for many years, “they tried to make it viable and after several stages and challenges overcome”, the price was finalized.

In turn, the Minister of Economy, José Arista, said that this modernized train would be “the lever for the development of Huancavelica” and will reduce the cost of transporting goods to this region.

In the last week, Proinversión also awarded a set of five electrical transmission and substation projects, to Alupar Peru SAC companieswhich plans to benefit some 4 million people in the regions of Lima, Ica and Ayacucho with an estimated investment of 441 million dollars.

These projects include the 500 kV Chilca CTM-Carabayllo-Third Circuit Transmission Linethe new Bicentenario 500/220 kV substation and the reconfiguration of the Chavarría-Santa Rosa-Carapongo 220 kV connection, all in Lima.

Furthermore, the New Muyurina 220 kV substationNew Ayacucho substation, LT 220 kV Muyurina-Ayacucho, in Ayacucho, and expansion of the supply capacity of the Ica electrical system (ITC project), in Ica.

These projects were awarded last Thursday to the company Alupar Perúsubsidiary of the Brazilian holding company Alupar, which will benefit from a concession period of 30 years of commercial operation, plus the time needed to build each of them.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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