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The Senate will ask Moncloa for the record of visits to verify if “Aldama went to the Presidency as well as to the Ministry”

The commission of inquiry of Koldo affair In the Senate, the Popular Party is becoming too small. The PP’s legal services in the Senate are studying how to approach the next steps. For now, this newspaper has been able to confirm that in the near future, the Bureau of the commission will study a expansion of the search objectto encompass all new revelations about the corruption that “shuts down Pedro Sánchez”.

One of the first decisions will be to send a request to Moncloa to hand over its visitor register. This involves verifying that the ringleader of the whole conspiracy, the businessman Víctor de Aldama, “had a direct relationship with Pedro Sánchez” and that “he walked around Moncloa as if he were passing through the Ministry of Transport”, as his confidant revealed to EL ESPAÑOL.

This was confirmed by PP sources in the Senate to this newspaper. It remains to be seen whether this request will be made immediately or whether it will be necessary to wait for the commission’s work to develop.

On the one hand, it would make sense to do it now, given that Aldama is the center of Koldo Field and, as this person of his greatest confidence reveals to this newspaper, “Victor’s relationship with the government did not end with the cessation of Jose Luis Abalos as Minister of Transport. » In fact, he claims that “Aldama continued to go to Moncloa” until shortly before his arrest, with Koldo Garcíain February 2024.

The commission of inquiry was created, by agreement of the plenary session of the Upper House, in March of this year, as soon as the scandal broke out with the arrest of the former advisor to the Jose Luis Abalos. And the truth is that it was formed, thanks to the majority of the PP, with the aim of purifying political responsibilities in “contracts concluded during the covid-19 pandemic linked to the intermediation of Koldo García Izaguirre, as well as other possible cases of corruption derived from the conspiracy investigated in the ooperation Delorme“.

Already on April 24, the Senate approved the updating of the purpose of the commission of inquiry by adding to the initial title “possible cases of corruption which, directly or indirectly, have relationship with the activities and contacts of the people who are part of the plot investigated in the Operation Delorme“.

In this regard, the demand for Moncloa would already be appropriate, but the most popular want to try their hand at clothing. Especially, after it was recently learned that the same The PSOE had refused to hand over the order for the guestbook to the party headquartersFerraz street, 70, Madrid. In the case of the socialist formation, the excuse invoked, as reported The objectiveis that the files are destroyed after 30 days.

In this way, if what the PSOE claims is true, it would now be impossible to prove in the registry the alleged visit of a businessman of the plot to deliver the two plastic and cardboard bags for 90,000 eurosas alleged payment in the hydrocarbon fraud case, which has now landed Aldama in preventive detention.

In fact, commission sources warn that recordings of possible visits to Ferraz from Claudio Rivaspartner of Aldama in the fuel plotwho allegedly defrauded 182 million euros in VAT.

For all these reasons, the PP group in the Senate assumes that Moncloa will also reject the request of the Upper House. “They have already shown that They will do whatever it takes to cover it all up.“, explains a source from Genoa.

And he gives an example: “The president’s face did not change when he admitted to having lied to Congress and the Senate in his explanations about the Delcy affair four years ago. He said he discovered it at dawn and now admits he gave permission for the company’s trip. number two of Nicolas Maduro four days before. »

“Calm down” strategy

The Popular Party claims to be in no hurry and prefers to deploy its strategy “calmly”, knowing that “the revelations will only increase”. A senior executive explains this in a conversation with this newspaper. “It is now that those involved are starting to find themselves cornered or imprisoned… Now is when they will start making mistakes and demanding helpand playing with information when it doesn’t help them.

It is for this reason that the PP is waiting for the right moment, for example to have Sánchez testify before the commission of inquiry. “They are putting pressure on us with the motion of censure… and they are right, it should have been better presented yesterday than today, but they are not giving figures,” continues this source. “That, and having the president appear, We will do it when it suits the Spanish people bestaccording to our criteria.”

That is, when you can be cornered by “facts, truths and contradictions.”

When the scandal broke last February, discontent gripped the PSOE, as it was its first case of corruption. After almost six years of being criticized for everything but had always been able to pride itself on being “a clean government”the latter collapsed red line.

However, in the PP it was always suggested that things would end up where they are today: in a corruption conspiracy with profiteers and, also, derivatives in the illegal party financing. “An intrigue in which appears at the forefront a Minister of Public Works who is also Secretary of the Organization, It’s much deeper and more complex.“, a member of the PP steering committee said at the time.

Alberto Nuñez Feijóo He urgently met his leaders this Sunday to respond “on all fronts, political, judicial and parliamentary”, to the situation of “national emergency” that they detect in the Spain of Sánchez, a president who “is stifled by corruption.

Many of his people asked him motion of censurebut from this meeting came the presentation of the complaint against the PSOE for illegal financing, which was confirmed this Monday before the National Court. But the broad outlines of this longer-term strategy have also been designed.

The accumulation of investigated cases (the maskshe cottage of Ábalos, the Civil Guard infiltrated, the VAT fraud in the fuel, the Rescue of Globaliacompanies of Begoña Gomezthe ghost tour of Delcy and her suitcases with moneyand the possible tax evasion of Sanchez’s brother), they give PP ammunition to fire their bursts in turns.

“When this scandal started, it seemed like it was the right time ‘to make decisions,’ because There were those who said other atrocities could not happen“. But today, Génova is pleased to have known how to be “calm”. Now, “we know a lot more things and Sánchez is much more surrounded than at the time”.




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