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Minister Óscar López supports Sánchez in accusing Díaz Ayuso of corruption to cover up his scandals

Corruption in Spain has first and last names: the name is Isabelle and the last names are Diaz Ayuso“. The Minister of Digital Transformation and Public Service, Óscar López, withdrew corruption of the PP surfing on the scandals which have hit the PSOE in recent weeks, while attacking the popular leader, Alberto Nuñez Feijóor, to “confuse political life” and not demand the resignation of the president of the Community of Madrid.

López himself influenced the idea launched on Thursday Pedro Sanchezwho has already challenged Feijóo to demand the resignation of his “boss”, as he refers to Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

During an appearance before the media in Mieres (Asturias), accompanied by the general secretary of the Asturian Socialist Federation and president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón, López assured that ““Spain is experiencing one of its best moments” despite “the worst opposition in history.”

López boasted that ““Spain is experiencing one of its best moments today.”Since the country “is growing 4 times faster than the euro zone average, breaking employment records and approaching 21,400,000 Social Security affiliates or reducing inflation”, the PP has no proposals for this. country”.

However, the minister criticized the fact that, despite the good economic data, the popular “have no plans for Spain“and only They have a proposal, that of “confusing political life and the entire debate without any alternative”.

López continued his harsh attacks against Feijóo by assuring that ““Corruption” in Spain “has names and surnames: the name is Isabel and the names are Díaz Ayuso”. According to the minister, “Feijóo arrived to cover up the corruption of Díaz Ayuso.” “This is the history of Spain,” he added.

Madrid is the epicenter of corruption and quagmireand as long as Feijóo is not able to demand his resignation, he will have no credibility in this matter,” he concluded.

Asked about the decision of the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid to reject the Sánchez’s complaint against Juan Carlos Peinadothe investigating judge of his wife, Begoña Gómez, López reiterated that, even if the government “respect court decisions”he has his own opinion on the one adopted this Friday by the Madrid court.

In this context, he accused the PP of having “subcontracted” the work of the opposition due to Feijóo’s “inability” to propose alternatives. “This led them to leave the opposition in the hands of the judges, always through Francoist and ultra organizations like Clean Hands and Hazte Oír”, he added, before warning the leader of the PP that “he will not go anywhere this way”.

Regarding the criticism that the deputy secretary of Autonomous and Local Coordination of the PP, Elías Bendondo, addressed this Saturday to the government, López responded that The “popular” leader “only tells the truth when he thinks the cameras aren’t recording him”like a few days ago, when an open microphone during an internal meeting of the PP picked up a comment from him in which he admitted that there were possibilities that the Government could approve the budgets for 2025.

Bendodo: “Sánchez “He is believed to be the Sun King.”

For his part, Bendodo underlined the “double shot” that the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid handed over to the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezand emphasized the “ridiculous“What do you think you did to using the attorney general’s office “like a family law firm.”

Bendodo, who closed the Council of Mayors of the PP of Malaga, highlighted that the complaint of the Prosecutor’s Office against judge Juan Carlos Peinado, who is investigating the case against Begoña Gómez, was rejected, and that in addition “this will remind Sánchez that he is trampling on the separation of powers.”

He indicated that the President of the Government “diverted” the public prosecutor, who is not there to “to be the personal law firm of Pedro Sánchez and his family”.

According to him, Sánchez “He believes he is the Sun King and all he has to say is that he is the State.”

Following the indictment of the State Attorney General, Álvaro García Ortiz, by the Supreme Court, Bendodo believes that he must resign, warning that it is “the 23rd minister of the Government” and criticizes the fact that the Central Executive intervened “precipitously” to defend its action.

He wondered “what does the Attorney General know” so that Sánchez could defend him and regretted that with his actions he “drags” the name of the institution.

Concerning the Koldo case, he declared that Sánchez “knew everything”, as happened with the former Andalusian presidents Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán in the ERE, although they also declared “that it was about four gulfs”.




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