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The PP tries to cancel the “Txapote” reform before the Constitutional Court after having approved it “by mistake” in Congress

The Popular Group of the Senate confirmed this Saturday, after the publication in the Official State Gazette (BOE) of the law in favor of ETA detainees, known as the “Txapote reform”, its intention to promote the presentation of a conflict of attributions against Congress before the Constitutional Court.

Although the law has already been published, the popular They will bring to the Senate plenary a new demand towards the President of Congress, Francine Armengolso that it can be put to a vote again in the plenary session of the Lower House, in what will be the preliminary step to the presentation of this conflict of powers.

The law on exchange of criminal record information and the review of criminal judicial resolutions in the European Union was initially unanimously approved in Congress by therror in the PP and Vox vote. It was only during its last parliamentary phase in the Senate, after a complaint from the AVT denouncing that the validation of sentences also affected ETA prisoners, that it lost the support of these political groups and was rejected by the Plenary of the Upper House last Monday.

In addition, the Popular Group in Congress presented a appeal for reconsideration against the decision of the Lower House Council to ignore the Senate’s interpretation and approve the controversial law.

In this document, which will reach the Board of Directors of Congress next Tuesday, the PP insists that the law must put to the vote in plenary session of the Chamber. If, as is predictable, the PSOE and Sumar reject this appeal by asserting their majority in the Council, the PP will have carte blanche to present an appeal to the Constitutional Court.

Even the President of the Senate, Pedro Rollandoes not renounce the law which will free around forty members of ETA and sent a letter to the President of Congress Francine Armengol, in which he requests that “the plenary session” of Congress be convened so that the “Txapote” reform can be voted on again.

It will come into force in 20 days

The law was published this Saturday at the BOE and will come into force within 20 days but this did not change the mind of popular in the Senate and are determined to defend the powers of the Upper House.

“We will go to the end in defending the rights of Spaniards and dignity of victims of terrorism”, say popular sources. The group also noted that “IThe government’s haste to deal with Bildu demandsEven if this is to benefit ETA prisoners and to confront state institutions, they are only showing their nervousness to satisfy their partners. Faced with this, we will defend the rule of law,” they added.

This is not the first time that the PP, with its absolute majority in the Senate, has raised a conflict of powers with Congress, since a few months ago it approved this unprecedented institutional clash between the two Chambers for the Amnesty lawalthough they themselves left it void and did not take it to the Constitutional Court.

It will benefit 44 members of ETA

The Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT) has denounced that 44 members of ETA will be able to deduct the sentences they served in France thanks to the “Txapote” law. Furthermore, according to a report produced by this association chaired by Maite Araluceseven convicts from the ETA terrorist group could be released from prison today November 8When the rule will come into force.

Among them are two terrorists convicted of blood crimes. This is Juan Ramón Casatorre, alias Shoewho murdered the former Basque regional deputy of the PP Gregorio Ordonezto the military Mariano de Juan and the chief inspector of the National Police Enrique Viyella; and on the other hand, the terrorist Felix Alberto Lopez de Lacallesaid Mobutu, who killed the civil guards Avelino Palma, Ángel Prado and José Luis Vázquez.

But the group of victims seems resigned: “Sooner or later, the Bilduetar roadmap aimed at emptying the prisons will be respected, and these gentlemen Sanchez and Marlaska “They will be able to boast all their lives of being cult figures of ETA members.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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