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HomeLatest NewsSunscreens for children that mislead and put little ones at risk

Sunscreens for children that mislead and put little ones at risk

Summer is already over, or rather the holidays, so we say goodbye to the long sunny days on the beach and the afternoons at the pool that we enjoy so much. However, even if it is September and the weather is starting to cool down, we must not let our guard down when it comes to sun protectionespecially when it comes to children’s skin. It is a common misconception that sunscreen is only necessary during the summer months, when in reality, ultraviolet radiation is present all year round, even on cloudy or cold days. So choose the best sunscreens For our children, this continues to be an essential priority and on this subject, the OCU has a lot to say.

As fall approaches, many parents may be tempted to throw sunscreen in the drawer and forget about it until summer returns. However, children’s skin is much more sensitive than that of adults, and even short-term exposure to the sun can have long-term consequences. Plus, sunscreen use isn’t limited to the beach or pool; outdoor activities like walks, playing in the park, or going on school trips continue to expose children to harmful UV rays. That’s why it’s essential to continue applying sunscreen and, more importantly, to make sure the product you choose provides the protection it promises. That’s where the The Consumers and Users Organisation (OCU), which has issued a worrying warning regarding various sun creams This, far from protecting as they claim, could endanger the health of children. Below, we tell you everything you need to know to protect your children effectively and safely.

The importance of knowing the SPF and how it works

You’ve probably seen the acronym SPF (Sun Protection Factor) on the labels of all sunscreens, but do you really know what it means? It SPF indicates the level of protection the product offers against UVB rayswhich are mainly responsible for sunburn. Numbers such as 15, 30 or 50 represent the length of time you can stay in the sun without getting burned. For example, if you normally get burned within 10 minutes, a protector with An SPF 30 should, in theory, protect you for 300 minutes, or five hours.

However, this figure is only a theoretical guide. Factors such as the amount of cream applied, sweating, water and just touching the skin can significantly reduce the effectiveness of sunscreen. Therefore, any expert will tell you to reapply the cream every two hours, regardless of the SPF. And most importantly, it is crucial that the sunscreen actually delivers on its promises, which unfortunately does not always happen.

OCU alert on sunscreens

Recently, The OCU analyzed 21 sun creams for children available in supermarkets and pharmacies in Spain, both in spray and lotion form. This analysis was carried out in certified and independent laboratories, using rigorous methods such as hybrid diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (HDRS), combining in vitro and in vivo tests to verify whether the products comply with the SPF and UVA protection indicated on their labels.

The result is alarming: three of the creams analyzed do not offer the promised protection. Among them, The most criticized was the Ecran Denenes Infant for sensitive and atopic skin SPF 50+ in spraya product widely used by parents who rely on its high protection to care for their children’s skin. However, the OCU has revealed that this sunscreen does not meet the standards it should, exposing children to unnecessary risks.

Two other creams that received poor ratings are Nivea Sun Kids Ultra Protect and Care SPF 50+ and Cien Sun Infantil SPF 50+. These creams also do not offer adequate protection, which is particularly worrying given that these brands are very popular and tend to be the preferred choice of many parents.

What if you have already purchased one of these creams?

If you are one of the many parents who have already purchased one of these sunscreens, it is natural that you are worried. The OCU took action by informing the manufacturers of the results and filed a complaint before the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS), requesting that the necessary controls be carried out and that the public be informed in a clear and transparent manner.

In the meantime, it is advisable to stop using these products and Choose alternatives that have passed quality tests. According to the OCU, creams such as Nuxe Sun Melting Face Cream SPF 50 and La Roche-Posay Anthelios Uvmune 400 SPF 50 They have proven to be effective and safe, providing the promised protection. In addition, products such as Biotherm Waterlover SPF 50+ moisturizing sun milk and Nivea Sun Kids Protect & Care, Also They got good reviews after being tested by volunteers.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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