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“Business is what creates a person’s greatest wealth, which is opportunity”

The president of Deputation from Alicante, Toni Pérezunderlined “the strengths, challenges and challenges that await us and the importance of public policies to face them safely.” He presented one of the prizes, the one corresponding to the “Prize of the Provincial Deputation of Alicante” awarded to the company. Quinton for its exceptional history as a family business, its commitment to R&D&i and its internationalization strategy.

“We must ensure what is worth it and take care of what works,” said the provincial official, who assured that the AEFA “has the enormous power of having been able to unite from the first moment, in welcoming into its fold the company, small, medium and large Sometimes, the important thing is not the volume, it is not the number but the number. business projects which are born from the heart and have fought against wind and tide for generations, going through vicissitudes to get there. »

“The business is what creates the greatest wealth that a person can have, that is to say the possibility of working, of developing a vital project, of training, of improving oneself, of establishing relationships and to best contribute to a society”, underlined the president. .

The event took place in the presence of president of AEFA, Maite Antonthe deputy for Economic Development, Carlos Pasteurmembers of the municipal corporation of Benidormas well as other authorities, in addition to the business community of the province.

The Alicante Family Business Association, AEFA, celebrated its XXIX AEFA Awards this morning; a gala during which family businesses were recognized for their journey and their values HispanicsCluster Magical Costa Blanca and Quinton. The businessman Francisco Gomezfounder and president of the Marjal Group, received the Price of Honor Manuel Peláez Castillo. The event, attended by more than 300 people from the economic, political and civil world, took place at the Cultural Center of the city of Benidorm.

The organization of these awards benefited from the collaboration of Generalitythe Provincial Council of Alicante and CaixaBank. The AEFA Awards were created with the aim of recognizing and highlighting the activity carried out by family businesses in the province of Alicante as agents contributing to the creation of wealth and employment, as well as for their commitment to entrepreneurship, innovation, competitiveness and internationalization. and competitiveness, as well as involvement in society.

Businessmen recognized by the provincial association of Alicante chaired by Maite Antón


The president of AEFA, Maite Antón, thanked the city of Benidorm for hosting these awards while praising its good work. “Benidorm has always been an example of how big ideas, no matter how far from reality they may be at any given moment, eventually prevail. Benidorm is an example of joint construction of a way of serving and caring for tourists, of valorizing resources with innovations as unique as its own urban planning model, today presented by experts as an example of territorial management .

“Benidorm, which was the dream of a few, has become an enviable reality thanks to the good work of many family businessmen and many generations of people working in these companies, with a vision of constant renewal, as we will also see in another of today’s winners. All of them have raised this city from the foundations of Pedro Zaragoza to higher levels, never better said, also of tourist quality. This is why the AEFA defends the large tourism sector, rejecting THE tourism phobiaand contribute to raising awareness in society,” underlined the president of the AEFA.

Antón expressed his gratitude to the Valencian government because “many things that were in the speeches become facts and we must express and value them” and he encouraged it to “continue with strength on the path of achieving improvements proposed”. And among several personal thanks, it was also the moment of complaints: “Politicians, let us not forget, are very important and necessary, but they must help us, by doing what is most important: keeping our promises, listening to what we have to say to them and not giving up on taking measures to improve our economy, because “you get everything else there”.

Among other measures, Maite Antón demanded the extension of the bonuses to more degrees of inbreeding, which makes it possible to have External CEOs which enable the survival of family businesses, by adapting the standard to new models of reconstituted families. Antón also spoke about the difficulty companies have in hiring workers: “Proposals for wage increases and indiscriminate reductions in hours are not recommended without proportional increases in hours. productivitybecause this would only mean an increase in costs and inflation with perverse negative effects on what is planned. However, a reduction of the tax charges on work and wages, they would have a positive effect on the entire economy through an increase in employment and disposable income,” he stressed.

Finally, he demanded a equitable financing for the Valencian Community “without breaking the unity of criteria and solidarity between territories to ensure cohesion as a country and as a society” and “adequate public investment for our province which allows communications, infrastructure, as well as water essential in quantity and at an acceptable cost.

After the AEFA President’s remarks, the awards ceremony began. The first of the prizes awarded was the recognition of Francisco Gómez Andreu, who received the Manuel Peláez Castillo Honorary Prize for his exceptional career as a family entrepreneur, for his social contribution in the associationism sector and, above all as a person, for his great entrepreneurial character and his close connection with AEFA and the world of family business in general.

He received it from the hands of Carmen Roblespresident of the Manuel Peláez Castillo Foundation, accompanied by Maite Antón, president of AEFA. Gómez was very enthusiastic and wanted to share the prize with his colleagues from Grupo Marjal and especially with Javier Fur.

Francisco Gómez gave a brief look back at his work, the history of AEFA and the most special moments he experienced as president of the association. Enthusiastic, he concluded his speech by dedicating the prize to his wife and children.

Carmen Robles, president of the Manuel Peláez Foundation, thanked Francisco Gómez for his good work and all the achievements that have allowed AEFA to have the strength it has today. Robles highlighted Gómez’s entrepreneurial nature.

The Magic Costa Blanca group was the next winner. It received the CaixaBank prize as an example of a very prestigious family business that has diversify And innovate in its activity, developing and maintaining its family values, being an example of adaptation to complex and changing environments and commitment to the territory.

The territorial director of CaixaBank Valencian Community and Region of Murcia, Olga Garciapresented the prize to Francisco García, who came accompanied by his children Javier and María and his wife Aurora. The highest representative of the region’s financial institution highlighted that “at CaixaBank we support the role played by family businesses and organizations like AEFA, which is why we are very proud to be alongside them another year, supporting a new edition of their annual awards. “A fair and well-deserved recognition for all these businessmen who, through their efforts and commitment, contribute to the economic development and social, and the creation of jobs in the province”, underlined the territorial director of CaixaBank.

“We would like to thank CaixaBank and AEFA for this magnificent award. And we encourage new generations to continue working for this city,” commented Francisco García.

Congratulations from the President of the Generalitat

The Generalitat Valenciana Prize was awarded by Antonio Galvan Díez, regional secretary of Employment and general director of WORK representing the president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazonwho congratulated the winners with a video. The winner was the Hispanitas company, which stood out for its history as a family business both nationally and internationally, its contribution to the prestige of Spanish footwear and the Spanish brand and its ability to adapt to new trends, materials and its commitment to sustainability.

Carlos And Luis Chico de Guzmán, along with his children Rocío and Pablo Chico de Guzmán, received the award. The winners were very grateful for this award which “comes at a time when many family businesses in this country are suffering. This represents an impetus and a breath of fresh air to continue working and achieve a good generational change,” explained Luis Chico de Guzmán.

“I want to dedicate this award to all our workersbecause thanks to their efforts and their know-how, we add value to our shoes. I also want to dedicate it to the family businesses in our sector who could all be here today,” concluded the laureate.

Antonio Galvañ congratulated those honored at the gala and highlighted the work of the family business, “a fundamental element of the entire commercial and productive structure of the Valencian Community. “It is the economic model that generates the most wealth and, above all, that creates the most jobs.”

Galvañ dedicated some special words to Francisco Gómez as a pillar of the business world of the province of Alicante. “He is a person who believes in Alicante, who believes in the family business and who fights for it.”

The regional secretary expressed the Generalitat’s commitment to this type of business: “The Generalitat is committed to family businesses and, as the president of AEFA said, we know that many companies cannot find not qualified personnelthis is why we are working to create a community employability map. We know that sustainable employment goes hand in hand with family businesses, we will work to have a real ecosystem of intermediation through employment,” he underlined.

The Alicante Provincial Council Prize was awarded to Quinton, whose laboratories are located in Cox, a family business that stands out for its great commitment to R&D&i and its internationalization strategy. The president of the Provincial Council, Toni Pérez, granted this recognition to Francisco Coll.

Coll thanked his family and “that other family, who are the friends who are also part of the business and family, for the award, but especially the workers at Quinton.”

The event also brought together Carlos Banopresident of the Alicante Chamber of Commerce; Cesar Quintanillapresident of UEPAL; Juan Francisco Perezmayor of Finestrat; Juan José Ruiz Martinezrector of UMH; Jose Hernandezcolonel-in-chief of the Civil Guard and other mayors of the province and representatives of the business world.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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