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Ex-boyfriend of artist Juana Dolores admits he mistreated her and accepts 21 months in prison

The ex-boyfriend of the artist Juana Dolores admitted before the judge to having mistreated him on three occasions in the house they shared in Barcelona in February 2021. The man accepted a sentence of 21 months in prison and a ban on communicating with the playwright for six years. His imprisonment was suspended on the condition that he does not commit a crime within two years.

The artist made the matter public this Sunday in a newspaper interview Macawin which she explains that her attacker first manipulated her psychologically, then isolated her from her environment and friends and, finally, physically attacked her. “When a woman of character is mistreated, she is called crazy,” said Juana Dolores, represented by lawyer Sònia Ricodo.

The sentence, to which had access, dates from November 2023 and represents the final point of the criminal case, since once the accused admits the facts, it is no longer possible to appeal. The young man admitted to having started mistreating the artist barely a month after he started living with her.

On the night of February 16, 2021, the ex-boyfriend threw an 8-liter jug ​​and his dirty clothes at Juana Dolores, shouting at her “you are trash, poor people are trash, you are cockroaches,” according to the proven facts of the sentence admitted by Bernat ML

The artist’s ex-partner also admitted that six days later, a second episode of violence occurred at the home. “In order to harm the physical integrity and demean” Juana Dolores, the young man admitted to having pushed and thrown the artist to the ground, then to having kicked her in the buttocks and to having sprayed her with a disinfectant spray. He also slapped him and twisted his fingers, in addition to punching him.

The third physical violence took place two days later. The convict threw different objects at Juana Dolores, which she managed to dodge, telling her, among other expressions, “you are a whore, a slut, I will end up breaking your face.” Immediately afterwards, the sentence continues, the young man grabbed the artist by the neck and hit her against the wall, then threw her against the sofa and hit her, shouting “that’s hitting.”

In total, Bernat ML was sentenced to 21 months in prison for three crimes of mistreatment of women, as well as for a continuous minor offense of unjust humiliation in the area of ​​gender violence. In addition to the prison sentence, which was suspended on the condition that the convicted person does not commit another crime within two years, the accused compensated the artist with 10,000 euros and accepted a sentence of five days of stay. permanent at an address other than that of the victim and a restraining order and solitary confinement for Juana Dolores for six years.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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