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Moreno announces new tax measures to facilitate access to housing for more than 40,000 Andalusians

He President of the Government of Andalusia, Juanma Morenoannounced this Monday that next year’s community budgets will include new tax measures to facilitate access to housing for more than 40,000 Andalusians, with improvements to the deduction for the rental or purchase of officially protected housing ( OPV).

Moreno announced this measure during the handover ceremony of the keys to the new development of 60 protected housing units in Matadero Sur, Cádiz, which was also attended by the Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Agenda, David Lucas.

The Andalusian president listed the legislative advances that his government has already promoted to facilitate access to housing in the community: “In the last five years, the promotion of VPO has increased threefold compared to the previous five years, with more than 10,000 homes. . We are developing residential land to encourage the construction of 17,500 additional homes. We approved a new land law and new regulations. We have included administrative simplification measures to eliminate bureaucracy. And we have the future housing law in Andalusia in progress.

After this preamble, Moreno argued that the Council will try to include in the 2025 Andalusian budget “fiscal measures to facilitate access to housing for more than 40,000 Andalusians, particularly in the reimbursement of VPO purchases”.

Finally, Moreno opted for “dialogue” with the central administration to reach “agreements” and “long and medium-term solutions” to offer “an affordable housing market to all Andalusian and Spanish citizens”.

Previously, the Secretary of State for Housing and the Urban Agenda, David Lucasalso claimed collaboration with the Council to “provide decent and affordable housing for citizens when they need it” because “if you don’t have decent housing for your family, it is difficult to guarantee the state of protection social”. Lucas also defended the public-private collaboration “to try to benefit from the efforts of all those who want to provide solutions to try to deal with the housing emergency who lives in Spain.

Regarding the delivery to Cádiz of the keys to 60 VPO rentals promoted by the Management, Moreno highlighted that it is a “very happy day for dozens of Andalusian families”. “Commitment kept. A new home that changes their lives. “I wish you the best!”, he added on his social networks.

A few days ago, the Minister of Economy, Finance and European Funds, Carolina Españahas already explained that the Andalusian Government will study the possibility of introducing a tax reduction for the next budget year aimed specifically at facilitating access to housing.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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