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Muface insurers reject government proposal and leave healthcare for 1.5 million people on hold

The three insurers currently providing health care to civil servants under the concert of facewho are Adeslas, Asisa and DKVhave decided not to participate in the new call for tenders for this service because the economic conditions proposed by the government are “totally insufficient“.

Last Friday, the Ministry of Digital Transformation and Civil Service called the chief executives of the three insurance companies to inform them of the new terms of the agreement, as Europa Press learned from sources close to the meeting.

The government proposed a premium increase of 14% for the next two years. This figure is lower than that 24% increase that Muface had slipped in recent days and moved away from 40% increase what the insurers asked for.

The economic conditions of the current Muface concert mean for insurers losses of 200 million euros each year. According to sources present at last week’s meeting, the signing of the new agreement providing for a 14% increase in bonuses would only worsen the costs that companies already bear, both due to inflation and the increase in the accident rate.

The tender for the service provided by Muface expires this year, so the government You have approximately three months to launch the call for tenders and that it will be operational from next year. At present, The Mutual covers 1.5 million peoplebetween civil servants and their beneficiary families.

During the month of September, the private health employers’ association, ASPE, already warned that a deficit in remuneration in the concert would cause an “exodus” of officials towards the public health systemwith a potential effect on waiting lists. According to said employers’ organization, the Muface concert saves the State more than 890 million euros per year, while its disappearance would result in an economic impact on public health of more than 1 billion due to having to absorb the mutualists.

Currently, Muface’s average premium is 984 eurosas detailed two weeks ago by the IDIS Foundation, against 1,608 euros per citizen in the public system. Already in May, the president of Grupo Mutua, Ignacio Garraldaargued that it would be “very difficult” for Adeslas to participate in the tender for the concert if economic conditions did not improve “very noticeably”.

The CSIF asks the Government to guarantee funding for Muface

The majority union of the Spanish public service, CSIFthreatened to start mobilizations if the Government does not guarantee sufficient funding for the next Muface concert. In a note, the Independent and Civil Service Trade Union Center (CSIF) expresses its concern at the lack of agreement and recalls that the three insurers have declared on “several occasions” that they would abandon the medical assistance model Muface if conditions do not improve. .of the concert.

The agreement, of a biannual nature, expected to be closed in October guarantee continuity of care from the start of 2025, recalls the CSIF. “The quality of health care for civil servants cannot be compromised by the lack of investment from the government,” adds the union, which demands that the premium be adjusted to be able to provide the service without the cuts made in the last agreement.

The CSIF also announces that it will “continue to fight” for the improvement of the health model proposed by Muface, as well as within the justice and defense mutual societies, respectively Mugeju and Isfas, and that it is led to a “continued deterioration due to insufficient investment“, he adds. In this sense, they warn that the organization will react with all force, without excluding mobilizations, in case the needs of mutualists are not met and they add that they will not allow ” the model of administrative mutualism will die of starvation.”




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