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Parliamentary elections in Georgia: people will have to choose between war and peace

The fight for the parliamentary elections in Georgia has officially begun. According to the electoral legislation, a number of rules have come into force within the framework of pre-election propaganda. On October 26, voters will elect 150 deputies to the Georgian Parliament for four years according to the proportional electoral system. For the first time in Georgia, the Election Administration will use electronic electoral technologies on a large scale, and about 90 percent of voters will cast their votes using electronic means – verification and counting devices. In total, 3,030 polling stations will be opened, of which 2,262 will be conducted electronically and 768 – traditionally. So far, the Central Election Commission of Georgia has registered 27 parties that will participate in the parliamentary elections on October 26.

“Caspian” We present the newspaper article on the subject:

Both the government and the opposition are preparing

The pre-election situation in the country remains tense. The torch of the Georgian dream – democratic Georgia – has been carried for 12 years and has no intention of passing it on to anyone. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, defeat means the loss of all security benefits and risks. The Americans and Europeans, with their statements, add fuel to the fire of this hidden fear of the Georgian political elite. Secondly, there are no real alternatives in the political sphere.

The opposition, for its part, is determined to regain a seat in parliament. If it manages to establish successful relations with Western politicians, then it will be able to act as a kind of “SOS button.” This role is played by the so-called critical media, which often embody the influence of the West in Georgian politics.

The President’s immutable position

The position of Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili on the elections is also interesting. This position can strongly influence the pre-election situation. According to him, “what is happening in the country today is a tragedy for Georgia.” Zurabishvili notes that Georgia always knows how to protect its independence and cultural values, including tolerance and diversity. “The country represented today is not Georgia, but another one. It is a country that is ready to submit to the aggressor, make concessions and turn its back on those who supported Georgia and the state during these years. “We see a country where almost all institutions have lost their content and independence,” said the president.
He condemned Bidzina Ivanishvili, honorary chairwoman of Georgian Dream, for “declaring war on her own people and the country’s political forces.”

Warning from the West

Georgia’s relations with the West are also not improving. The European Union has warned the Georgian government not to eliminate opposition parties after the elections. According to reports, the West is extremely unhappy with the developments in Georgia ahead of the parliamentary elections on October 26 and is preparing a “color revolution” in the country. It was noted that the United States intends to greatly increase pressure on the Georgian authorities in order to weaken the position of the “Georgian Dream” party as much as possible.

EU foreign minister Joseph Borrell said at an informal meeting of foreign affairs chiefs in Brussels that the institution is extremely concerned about the actions of the Georgian authorities, which are keeping the country away from membership in the organisation. “We are extremely and increasingly concerned about the direction of this country. Georgia is moving further and further away from the EU,” Borrell said. Besides him, EU foreign affairs representative Peter Stano expressed concern about the “Georgian dream” proposals aimed at banning all opposition parties. He stressed that an active civil society, independent media and political pluralism are the main conditions for Georgia’s entry into the EU. Stano also said that the current direction of the Georgian government may lead to the suspension of the EU integration process.

Those who do not obey the law.

Most believe that the autumn parliamentary elections will be “a choice between Europe and Russia”. It was said that voters will have to choose between war and peace. Although Georgia has long intended to join NATO and the EU, in recent years there has been a deterioration in the government’s relations with the West, and Tbilisi seems to be leaning towards Russia. Brussels has suspended talks with Tbilisi on EU membership, and the United States has begun a comprehensive review of relations with Georgia. This was due to the adoption by the Georgian government of the law on “foreign agents”, despite protests.

On August 1, the Georgian government formally launched a database of entities “serving the interests of a foreign power.” NGOs and media organizations that receive more than 20 percent of their funding from abroad have been given one month to register in this database. The Tbilisi-based International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) must also comply. This election monitoring group receives almost all of its funding from Western donor agencies: the EU, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Washington-based National Endowment for Democracy, and the embassies of several European states. However, it is not registered in the ISFED database. Together with more than 400 organizations in Georgia, they are publicly challenging the new rule as an act of civil disobedience.

But what about the election predictions? Most people believe that the events in Georgia will not lead to the Maidan. Although the US and the EU continue to threaten Tbilisi with sanctions, the Georgian government will not react harshly.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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