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HomeLatest NewsThe future hotel in the Bodegas Campos car park will increase its...

The future hotel in the Bodegas Campos car park will increase its capacity: it will go from 37 to 60 rooms

The Cordoba company Nueva Puerta de la Ribera, headed by José Barrena (a businessman with extensive experience), plays an important role in the accommodation sector in the capital. A tourist apartment complex has just opened its doors in Plaza del Potro after a significant investment; She has another one under construction on Barroso Street and is continuing the tortuous and eternal administrative process to move forward with her hotel project in the Bodegas Campos parking lot. It is enough to remember that this company took over this 1,105 square meter plot of land on Lineros and Badanas streets in June 2015. Regarding this future “four-star boutique” accommodation, Barrena, in statements to ABC, explains that there have been new developments in its approach. Related news Vertical photo gallery No The spectacular new tourist apartments in Plaza del Potro, in images ABC Córdoba The Cordoba company Nueva Puerta de la Ribera has just opened accommodation in the heart of the historic center after an investment of 2.5 million euros initially planned. as a 37-room accommodation, but this company, he continues, ultimately decided “to buy the adjacent buildings”. Concretely, Nueva Puerta de la Ribera acquired “three houses”. This implies, continues this businessman, that the accommodation capacity of the future hotel will increase. “There will eventually be more than 37 rooms, of course. The properties that we have purchased will be rooms for the establishment”, he specifies. He estimates that they will be able to move in “between 55 and 60 rooms thanks to the acquisition of neighboring houses”. That is to say say that its number of rooms could increase between 49% and 62% The company continues the tortuous process of the hotel from the Bodegas Campos parking lot, whose land it purchased in 2015. After obtaining final approval from the. detailed study – an urban project planning tool for which it was necessary to have the green light – due to the “administrative silence”, Barrena continues the very long process of urban management of this housing On the one hand, your company will now have to modify the. previous study of the hotel that she presented “more than a year ago”. When we increase the accommodation capacity, it has also been necessary to vary it for more than a year. urbanization of the surroundings of this future four-star hotel is presented because, it must be remembered, this commercial operation also involves the physical reconfiguration of part of the land facing Paseo de la Ribera. This involves redeveloping a space of 1,572 square meters. The existing square will be enlarged, as part of the parking lot will be used there. In addition, this accommodation project will serve to generate a connection, a permeability, between Lineros Street and La Ribera. “It is our obligation to organize the front part of where the hotel will be. We will urbanize it at our own expense,” says Barrena. Image of one of the tourist apartments with its windows open in the Plaza del Potro abcThe last obstacle that this project encountered in the official offices was the decision of not being able to have the two floors of underground parking planned by the company that carried it out promotes. he. Finally you will be able to have around ten parking spaces on a single floor. When Barrena is asked for a date to begin the work, he assures that he cannot give it, because “we do not know the time that the Town Hall will need” to grant all the necessary authorizations for the project to move on from paper to physical materialization. This businessman emphasizes that once the work begins, “we hope that it will not last more than 20 months.” He adds that the total cost of this four-star hotel “we cannot specify yet”. “It will be an establishment with a unique location,” he emphasizes, before adding that the hotel “will also be a management center for our apartments”, in the Plaza del Potro, “we have renovated a historic building with the prestigious architecture studio of “. Rafael Castelló »And this company has just been the protagonist of this accommodation formula with the inauguration of the “Puerta de la Ribera Suites” in Plaza del Potro. This complex has 14 tourist apartments. In them, 38 places are offered. The complex, which has a reception service, “opened its doors on September 21,” specifies Barrena. The company’s investment in this company “amounts to approximately 2.5 million.” This amount, specifies its manager, includes the purchase of the two renovated properties, the cost of “construction work” and “other related expenses, such as decoration”. Image of an impressive coffered ceiling in one of the recently opened buildings. abc apartmentsThis businessman emphasizes that the project emanates “from the prestigious architectural studio of Rafael Castelló de Córdoba”. With him, and “in collaboration and consensus” with the Archeology Office of the Town Planning Department, they proceeded to “combine the renovation of a historic building and another building”. “We acted to return to the origins of the house.” “A strong commitment” This apartment complex, explains Barrena, is “structured around a central main patio as a characteristic element of the buildings of the historic complex of Córdoba. All circulation on the property revolves around it. He indicates that in these first days of this activity “we have very good acceptance both in terms of occupancy and satisfaction of our customers”. This company will open another apartment complex on Barroso Street within a month. The investment will exceed 1.5 million. The accommodation offer in Nueva Puerta de la Ribera will be considerably expanded before the end of the year. Because this company is working on the renovation of a property located at 6 Barroso Street (central street, next to Ángel de Saavedra and Jesús María) to open another complex with “eleven apartments that will have 33 beds”. end of “It could open in October or early November,” he says, adding that the investment made so far in this project “is 1.5 million, although construction and various related expenses still need to be be completed.” We don’t yet know how much this will end up being. Reception of ‘Puerta de la Ribera Suites’, which has just opened in the Plaza del Potro abcOf this future apartment complex, the manager of this company emphasizes that the intervention focused on “”renovation and adaptation of a historic building.” “It’s an impressive house,” he says, before emphasizing that during the rehabilitation, what was prioritized was “the conservationist criterion due to the great value of the pre-existing building.” “I would particularly highlight the main patio, which is spectacular. The property has a large facade formed at the corner of two streets”, he emphasizes. “In our company, we are strongly committed to the city”, concludes Barrena. And the figures show it: the investment in its two apartment complexes will exceed four million and to this must be added the large expense he will have to make for his hotel in La Ribera.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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