Friday, September 20, 2024 - 3:27 pm
HomeBreaking NewsThe school principal was stabbed by an employee

The school principal was stabbed by an employee

Ulviyya Bayramova, headmistress of Astara Secondary School No. 6 named after F. Aliyarov, was stabbed by school guard Halik Ali oglu Najafov.

Details of the incident were revealed in information provided to by the organization “Young Scientists” of the Astara region.

According to reports, the director released edited images of his secretary a few months ago:

“The material, even if it was false, weakened the woman’s reputation and this was the main factor that led to the stabbing. After the blackmail incident, secretary Valida Mammadova suffered a severe psychological shock, her health deteriorated and on April 16, 2024, accepting Ulviya Bayramova’s request, she was forced to resign.”

According to other information provided by the organization “Young Scientists”, the conflict between the parties has spilled over into the courts. On August 27, the Astara District Court ruled in favor of Ulviyya Bayramova. As a result, the secretary’s wife, Halik Ali oglu Najafov, who works as a school guard, fell into a state of affectivity and on September 1, 2024, while at school, injured the headmistress Ulviyya Bayramova with a knife due to a conflict.

After receiving first aid at the Astara District Central Hospital, the director was transferred to Lankaran District Central Hospital. There is still no exact information about his health condition.

A stabbing incident occurred in the city of Astara.

Qafqazinfo reports that the guard of school number 6 in the city of Astara stabbed the school’s director, Ulviyya Bayramova.

The director, who suffered injuries of varying severity, was admitted to hospital. His life was said to be in no danger, and the knife did not seriously damage his internal organs.

The guard who stabbed Ulviyya Bayramova is reportedly the wife of school employee Valida Mammadova. Some time ago Valida Mammadova accused Ulviyya Bayramova of bribery and corruption on social networks and in the media.

The school was subsequently investigated by the prosecutor’s office, and the accusations were not confirmed. Ulviyya Bayramova sued the school secretary on a special charge. According to the court’s verdict, V. Mammadova was found guilty of defamation and punished.

Halik Najafov, 40, suspected of committing a crime, was detained by police officers.

A criminal case has been initiated and investigations are ongoing.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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