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“Velázquez’s speech was full of jokes, broken promises and a hundred empty announcements”

Carlos Velázquez’s intervention in plenary did not convince the PSOE, quite the contrary. The spokesperson for the Municipal Socialist Group, Noelia de la Cruzunderlined this Wednesday, during his speech at the Debate on the state of the city, that “the change in the way of governing of Mayor Carlos Velázquez has only completely paralyzed Toledo” and that the proposals he made during this first session “will be part of his program of events, of unfulfilled promises and more than 100 empty ads to which we are accustomed.

Noelia de la Cruz He deplored the way of governing of the popular mayor that all the inhabitants of Toledo already know: “smiles, promises, trips, more promises, more trips, lies and more lies, translated into facts: the suppression of the Department of Equality, the setback in the rights already acquired and the invisibility of the LGTBI collective, the setbacks in the transversal policies of inclusion, censorship, and not only plays but also proposals from associations of neighborhood, or the increase in taxes, among others.”

At this point, he declared that “the fiscal policy of the Mayor Velázquez “This has nothing to do with that of the socialist group which, in eight years, has not increased any taxes and has even lowered them.” On the other hand, “this mayor has raised the water level by 30 percent for Toledo families, raised sports taxes and is stifling the city’s sports clubs.”

“All of this bears the seal of Velázquez,” said the socialist spokesperson from the podium, who admitted to fearing new tax increases in the draft tax ordinances for next year’s accounts that the PP government and Vox must present as quickly as possible. because “they are late”, especially “after listening to the mayor this morning talk about financial viability and budgetary stability”.

Increase in taxes and more debt with the PP

“And every time the PP governs, it spends citizens’ savings, increases taxes and leaves the city in debt,” criticized Noelia de la Cruz, referring to the good financial health left by the Socialist Party and the fact that “little” it gradually decreases. ” due to the mismanagement of the popular mayor.

“According to the general accounts of Toledo City Hall, The PSOE left a surplus of 9.21 million euros in 2022. In 2023, its management surplus was 5.39 million euros. In other words, in one year, they reduced the City Hall surplus by 41.47 percent. “Not only do they not know how to manage, but they also leave municipal coffers in the red.”

Regarding the rest of the Treasury, Noelia de la Cruz highlighted that it experienced a notable decline throughout the first year of Velázquez’s government since, “at the end of the second quarter, of the 20 million euros that we left, they had already spent almost 16 million euros.” This is why, he said, “in one year the citizens’ savings have been spent and they are on the verge of putting Toledo in debt again”, recalling the debt of more than 50 million euros of the Congress Palace left by the PP.

In her speech, the spokesperson for the Municipal Socialist Group reminded the mayor once again that his party, the Popular Party, had voted against the European Funds “which bring so much investment to the city, not only to the Congress of Deputies but also at the plenary session of the Municipal Council”. And this is how he referred to the spokesperson for his government, who chaired the debate today, who raised his hand in voting against the lifting of these European funds so that this money does not reach the city, opposing the economic recovery of Toledo after the pandemic “And now you come here to talk about European funds wearing medals Well, I don’t? don’t allow it,” he said. Of the Cross.

“We left the Parliament planned with the raising of these European funds, without this money which amounts to 30 million euros and the projects and before the projects that we left, for the reform of Parque de la Vega, the pavilion of the Gymnastics School or the Food Market, you would only have as management: a flag, increased taxes and the purchase of a European sports title.

“Mr. Mayor, do you really want us to believe that after paying for the title, you did not know that they were going to give it to you? His narcissism for a title has no limits,” he said. Noelia de la Cruzwho asked Velázquez what this effort translates into, which, according to him, his government is making, to move forward in a plan to revive sports equipment.

“What installations have you completed during this year and a half? What new facilities do our city’s athletes benefit from? Layos facilities? “Ajofrín? Mocejón?”, to denounce that a year and a half after the PP and Vox government, families in Toledo find themselves with an additional difficulty, that of having to take their children to play sports outside the city.

For Noélia de la Cruz, “PP and Vox are bad managers and another example is its mismanagement of the DANA of September 2023. And the most curious thing, as the socialist spokesperson reports, is that and according to data from the employers’ association of Toledo, “of more than 50 who reported damage, only seven “They were able to ask the City Hall for help because the mayor’s demands left out 99 percent of the businesses affected.” For From the Crossit is the mayor’s management, the promises, the lies and the empty advertisements that are leaving independent workers and businessmen in the lurch.

Concerning the mayor’s unfulfilled announcements, Noelia de la Cruz He also spoke of “the moment when Velázquez found himself on a road entering and exiting the Polígono, and said that as soon as he arrived, the government would resolve the traffic jams, or his promises to provide free buses on schedule peak and the creation of a bus route -VAO”. “Everyone knows his management of buses in the city: old and dirty buses, which do not arrive on time, without air conditioning in summer… It was his purchase from the mayor of Madrid, and we will give him a medal,” he said. The socialist spokesperson denounced to criticize that now that they had the possibility of the city having decent electric buses, they replaced those already hired with others of lower quality.

“Mobility is deteriorating”

“The only reality is that mobility in our city is getting worse every day,” he underlined during this first session of the Debate on the State of the City, casting doubt on what is already called “ the bridge or the Charly road” that he wants unite the Azucaica neighborhood with the Polígoneither. “A project that is a desire and a desire, which will cause more congestion in the industrial zone” and which still has no funding. “Where will she find the millions of euros she needs for expropriations and construction?”

Noelia de la Cruz He believes that it is very possible that this remains another mayor’s dream like many other things and that, “between cheap excuses and pilot projects, you have the city even without the caravan parking, without the residents’ parking in the Historic Casco”. , without regulation of tourist apartments, without any promotion of clean housing, regardless of the numerous announcements that you are now making concerning the Municipal Land and Housing Company (EMSV).”

“We have been European and World Capital of Culture without the need for any title and without proceeding, as you have done, Mr Mayor, to cultural censorship and the elimination of events consolidated at national and international as Voix Vives or Músicas del Mundo, among others. others. “. Furthermore, Noelia de la Cruz pointed out that when the mayor presented the “Toledo Emerge” proposal today, he thought it would be an employment program for young people, but no, the only thing they promote among young people is alcohol.

Noelia de la Cruz has also not forgotten the felling of trees carried out by the mayor throughout the city, without convening the environmental council, without giving explanations to the neighbors, and without any technical safety or safety report. false announcement of “zero”. discharges”, which “he does only to hide that he is in favor of the Tajo-Segura transfer”.

Finally, and recalling the slogan of the PP campaign: “Facts, not miracles”, the socialist spokesperson concluded by saying that the facts were that the Socialist Party had won the elections and the miracle, “that you are sitting in the mayor’s chair, because.” you didn’t even believe it and even worse, you weren’t prepared for such an ending.

This is why he asked him to behave like a mayor and to act as such “by governing for those who voted for him and also for those who did not, and to stop establishing in this establish the cronyism model of the People’s Party, and promote first-class neighborhoods and second-class neighborhoods.afhdskjhkjdf

In his second speech, Noelia de la Cruz launched a formal proposal to the mayor so that every month “we publicly debate a specific problem of the city, in public, with the presence of the media, and also of the inhabitants of the city who wish to intervene and contribute their ideas, in which every announcement made comes with deadlines, a budget and a clear plan to achieve it.

Meeting with Velázquez

“Are you ready, Mr. Mayor, to start working for your city?” asked de la Cruz, who added that after the debate he would record a letter requesting a meeting with Velázquez to formalize this proposal and address the main questions. Toledo problems. “I hope this time you will be diligent and respond, because the letter I sent you in January remains unanswered,” he concluded with obvious irony.

In this second intervention, Noelia de la Cruz also highlighted “the complexes that the mayor experiences when he talks about his predecessors and asked him how long it would take him to assume the responsibilities that are his own.” “When you talk about black hands, your complex towards your predecessors becomes greater and greater, stop it, stop talking about black hands, take responsibility for yourself.”

Likewise, the socialist spokesperson also harshly pointed out “the lack of transparency in the pact between the Popular Party and Vox, openly questioning the future of municipal services and the decisions that are taken behind the backs of citizens “.

In this second response, De la Cruz continuedor attack the alliance between the PP and Vox, emphasizing that “there is no difference between you, because you have a common agenda and are focused on your programmatic coincidences”, and asked several questions to the mayor: “what will you do when your far-right partners will try to cancel, as they have already done in Madrid, in low-emission zones What do you think of the poster on immigration promoted by someone who generously installed you as mayor?


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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