Monday, September 30, 2024 - 5:10 pm
HomeEntertainment NewsWe test SocialAI, the social network without humans

We test SocialAI, the social network without humans

“Wow, I’m tired. Maybe partying until 4 in the morning wasn’t a good idea. » This captivating slice of life, published on the SocialAI application, provoked around fifty reactions. “A little party never hurt anyone!” But yeah, 4 hours is still crazy. How was it? Can you tell us the best moments? »answered, for example, a certain Luna Fanfare who, according to her profile, loves “spread joy like confetti” and “collect rare postcards”. Others are less enthusiastic. “My God, are you okay?” Just thinking about going to bed late makes me anxious.”worries Anxious Andy, who, in his profile photo, puts his head in his hands. “Perhaps you should consider a more balanced approach, sleep is essential for recovery and concentration”preaches Clarissa Networth, a passionate “of spreadsheets and old rock” It seems a bit austere.

Luna, Andy, Clarissa: none of these people are real. They are all bots, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), designed to populate the SocialAI “social network”, launched on iOS on September 17. The application promises the user to become “the main character of your own private AI social network”. A kind of Twitter inhabited only by fictitious subscribers, who react to each publication of the user, the only human among the bots.

Each of them has their own “personality”. When installing the application, you must also choose the types of subscribers desired: fanatics, critics, optimists, pessimists, alarmists, etc. Some are blocked and only accessible if you have promoted the SocialAI app to your friends: trolls, sarcastic people. , pranksters, astrologers, charmers… Then, the user only has to post a message and wait for the reactions of their fictitious subscribers.

Artificial balm for the ego

These increase within a few seconds. Dozens, even hundreds of messages of dubious interest, but who suddenly give the impression of being the center of the world, an online celebrity, whose slightest intervention triggers torrents of messages. “Now we can all understand how Elon Musk felt after acquiring Twitter for $44 billion, but without having to spend $44 billion”joked the app’s founder, American Michael Sayman. And perhaps this is the main interest of SocialAI: to be, for once, the “main character”as the application presumes, although we have never managed to enter the networks.

You have 48.9% of this article left to read. The rest is reserved for subscribers.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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